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Since 2015, our team has been helping homeowners get better rates and save more money. Our clients love us!


Use equity to avoid default

Power of Sale, also known as non-judicial foreclosure, allows a mortgage lender to sell the borrower's property if they default on the loan. A mortgage broker can help you use your home equity to avoid default if you can't make your mortgage payments

Common questions from clients on Power of Sale:

  • 1

    What if I can't pay my mortgage?

    We can use your equity to improve your cash flow if the situation is short-term. Get professional help ASAP.

  • 2

    How do you stop Power of Sale?

    We use the equity in your home to pay off your late mortgage payments, tax arrears, and/or debt. We can also improve your cash flow until your situation is resolved.

  • 3

    What about long-term solutions?

    We follow up and give you guidance on long-term solutions based on your income, credit, and equity. In certain cases, we might advise our clients to downsize if their situation is unsustainable.

  • 4

    What are my next steps?

    Call us or apply online. We'll fast track your application, collect some documents, and present the best options on the market. We will also get legal assistance to avoid or stop costly legal fees and penalties.

  • Paid off $35,930in total arrears

  • No interest payments for 12 months

Case Study: Back on Track

Ethan and Daisy, both in their forties, live in a beautiful condo townhome in Oakville with their three children. When Ethan unexpectedly lost his job as an IT professional, their savings quickly dwindled, and they began falling behind on their bills. Panic set in as they missed their $2,640 mortgage payment for the third consecutive month.

They are also behind on their property taxes, maintenance fees, and credit card bills. Desperate for a solution, they turned to the bank for a loan, only to be declined due to their mortgage arrears.

How 360Lending helped the family get a fresh start

  • After the introductory call and a thorough review of their credit reports, our team determined that Ethan and Daisy were also behind on their property taxes, maintenance fees, and debt payments in addition to their mortgage arrears.

  • The banks will not refinance their existing mortgage since they are already in arrears. They will need to obtain a second mortgage from an alternative lender instead.

  • Our team ordered a rush appraisal from an approved appraiser to quickly confirm the market value of the property and its available equity.


Ethan and Daisy brought all of their arrears up to date and got some extra cash to pay for expenses while Ethan looked for new employment. Our team also structured the rescue financing to include interest payments for the term so that they would not have to make any payments for the next 12 months.

Find out how much you will need to get back on track:

Enter the total mortgage arrears amount here. Sample text.
Enter the total property tax arrears amount here. Sample text.
Enter the total Delinquent debt amount here. Sample text.
Enter the total maintenance fee arrears amount here. Sample text.
Enter the second mortgage balance amount here. Sample text.

Arrears Total


*The information presented is for illustrative and educational purposes only. You will need a 2nd mortgage of at least $25,500 not inclusive of any legal fees incurred and closing costs associated.

What do you need to stop Power of Sale in Ontario?

We recommend getting the following documents ready to ensure a seamless experience:

  • 2 valid IDs (i.e. passport)

  • Direct deposit (or void cheque)

  • Home insurance

  • Mortgage statement

  • Property tax bill

  • Default notice or demand letter

  • Income documents